Wednesday, April 22, 2015


In class this week, we studied Aristotle's concepts of persuasive rhetoric: Pathos, Ethos, and Logos. 
We will continue studying persuasive rhetoric next week. 

I will be printing out and editing/revising your last four blog posts and will have the edited versions to you at class on 4/28. Your homework that week will be to go back and make any necessary edits/revisions.

Your homework the week of May 5th will be to write a persuasive blog post using all three of the appeals we are studying. Any future posts will be free-choice.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Class on 4/14

Blog posts are due every week by 
 Friday at Midnight.
If you need an extension, you are to call the students in your group, apologize, and give them the exact day and time you will have your blog post up. You are allowed one extension of this nature for the remainder of the school year. I will no longer be offering help or answering questions on blog posts after this deadline. 

Your next blog post is free choice. You may write about the topic of your choice

Your blog must include:

-At least one video
-At least two images
-Exactly one meme that you have created
-At least 1500 words (you may use

Call, text, or email with questions

Groups this week:
Devin, Makayla, Jenna
David, William, Abby
Kristen, Mary, Faith

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Class on 04/07/15

Your next blog post will be a response blog. This will be an opinion piece in which you respond to a post you disagree with from another blog on a similar topic. Your post should include the following:

-Information on the topic of your blog post. This should include the url of/link to the blog post you are responding to, the author's name, and the blog/post's name.
-At least three direct quotes from the blog with your responses/rebuttals.
-At least five visual aides (can include pictures, diagrams, videos. At least two must be memes)

Call, text, or email with questions

Groups this week:

Kristen, David, Mary

Makayla, William, Devin

Jenna, Abby, Faith